Archive for March, 2011



Type of program: 1.1 Multilateral Youth Exchange

Time: 20.06.2011 – 29.06.2011

Location: Oradea

Participating Countries: Romania, Hungary, France, and Spain (6 participants/promoter)

Main supporter: Agenţia Natională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale through the Youth in Action Programme

The project  emphasized a global problem and challenge which affects the environment, the life of people and the future of new generations: the problem of garbage, of waste. This problem  approached through the attitude and behavior of people. The main goal of the project was to make the participants and the local community aware of their behavior, stimulating them to judge the inappropriate attitude and to “adopt” a green and eco-friendly attitude: do not throw the waste on the street
and in not allowed places, to “reduce, reuse, and recycle”. During the project the participants  planed, organized and realized a campaign consisting of films, photos and informative flyers and posters.

On the day of the campaign the participants  distributed and  presented these materials to the local community in an agglomerated point of the city,and  in the Cinema Libertatea , encouraging people to recycle and to consume consciously.

The project  contributed to the social and personal development of youth and established intercultural dialog between the participants and between the participants and the local community.

The activities of the projects were based on the principles of non formal learning, including brainstorming, round-table discussions, creative activities, workshops and fieldwork. During the project we had round table discussion with the RER company and we visited the ECO BIHOR company at the city dump.


Children Day

On 13 March. 2011-

the PIHE association organized a children day in the Cinema Libertatea. The day was coordinated by Marie Hand, participating to a European Volunteering Service in the association. About forty children spent the day in the Cinema Libertatea enjoying the well diversified schedule proposed by PIHE.

After a sportive and playing wake-up organized by Charles Szabo, during which children could meet each other, they could enjoy a pantomime show, played by the deaf-mute Remus Ilisie. This show “I want to fly” was a big success for the public. Then, the artist permited the children to discover the joy of pantomime by proposing an interactive pantomime exercise.

At the end of the morning, it was the Arcadia Pupet Theater company who offered us a show combining music, puppets, tales. A real pleasure!

At the beginning of the afternoon, David Bertin, also volunteer with the EVS program, gave us a juggling show with balls, a hat and stick, after which he initiated the children to do this activity.

The day ended in a more peaceful atmosphere with the projection of short-movies.

During free times, kids had free access to other workshops put at the entrance of the cinema. Inflatable balloons, origami, pearls, drawings, face painting, paintings, were some of the activities proposed.

The cinema, which will re-open soon, had been transformed for one day in a playing and creating place for children and for older youths!

The PIHE association thanks a lot to all the people who contributed to the success of that day, and also to the kids, for their happiness and their energy..

Three countries for voluntary spirit

Type of program: 1.1 Trilateral Youth Exchange

Time: 03.05.2011 – 11.05.2011

Location: Băile Tuşnad

Participating Countries: Hungary, Romania and Poland (7-7 participants/country)

Main supporter: Agenţia Natională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale

We shared our experiences of the three associations in the field of social work, non-formal education, free time planning and helping underprivileged young people. Besides we were talking about the theoretical and practical posibilities of social integration of children from the orphanages, the main subject was to promote the intercultural dialogue in non-formal conditions.

We’ve spent four days with the children of the St. Laslie Children’s Home in Baile Tusnad, where the young participants presented their traditional dance and the dance of another country that they selected. Of course we taught the children for these dances and we organized some handcrafts workshops for them.